I invited Kristin Robertson, president of Brio Leadership, to do a guest post on the Keener Financial Planning blog this morning about forgiveness.
As we seek to manage our money in smarter ways, many times our experiences with money in our past play a key role in the decisions we’re making today. We inherit attitudes about spending and saving from our parents and early childhood experiences. Sometimes we’ve personally made mistakes with money. Or we’ve seen people that we’re close to make mistakes, oftentimes in ways that significantly affected us.
These experiences all affect our ability to be fully effective for ourselves and our loved ones in our financial lives. Sometimes, until we’ve processed these experiences, it can be difficult to understand why we continue to overspend, or why we can’t enjoy spending the money we’ve saved for a vacation, or why we feel deprived even when we have plenty. As we process our attitudes toward money, we may discover that forgiving ourselves or someone else for past mistakes is important to letting go and moving forward to happier and more productive ways of managing money.
I hope you enjoy Kristin’s article. And don’t miss the links to her site and more information on her new book.