I just read a really interesting article in the Journal of Financial Planning. After divorce, the income of each spouse falls. On average, the income of the woman declines by 27%. The average income of the man declines by about 10%. The stats for both parties are positively affected by the … [Read more...]
2009 Key Numbers
This document is a really handy reference. If you look at your finances on any sort of ongoing basis, you may want to print it out and keep it on your desk. It has everything from tax brackets to retirement plan limits, mileage deduction amounts, adoption credits, phase-outs, education tax … [Read more...]
New help for college funding
Student loans staged a disappearing act in 2008, as the credit crisis drove some lenders out of the student loan market and forced others to become more selective. But the Higher Education Opportunity Act, which became law in August, contains several provisions that will help families and students … [Read more...]
Dummies Excerpt Now Available
Investing in an Uncertain Economy for Dummies came out in October this year. The book is by Sheryl Garrett and the Garrett Planning Network, and I am proud to be a contributor. I wrote Chapter 37, Sort Through an Investment's Return. Wiley (the publisher) has now provided the electronic version … [Read more...]