This document is a really handy reference. If you look at your finances on any sort of ongoing basis, you may want to print it out and keep it on your desk. It has everything from tax brackets to retirement plan limits, mileage deduction amounts, adoption credits, phase-outs, education tax … [Read more...]
Free Seminar, Jan. 5: Retirement Savings
Where: Keller Public Library (640 Johnson Rd., Keller, TX) When: Monday, January 5, 2009, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Limited Space. Reservations Recommended. Call (817) 743-4840 to reserve your seat. Figure out how much you need to save for retirement. Take a realistic look at your progress, and … [Read more...]
Dummies Excerpt Now Available
Investing in an Uncertain Economy for Dummies came out in October this year. The book is by Sheryl Garrett and the Garrett Planning Network, and I am proud to be a contributor. I wrote Chapter 37, Sort Through an Investment's Return. Wiley (the publisher) has now provided the electronic version … [Read more...]
Silver Lining in the Market Downturn
When you look at your retirement plan statement and it's down 30% or more from a couple months ago, it's hard to believe there might be a silver lining there somewhere. While the market downturn has created a tremendous amount of anxiety and it's caused a significant change in plans for some who … [Read more...]