If you're like many folks right now, you may be trying to determine if having a stay-at-home spouse go back to work would be beneficial to your financial situation. The answer is not always clear-cut, so you want to make sure you do the math. A second-income analysis involves an evaluation of … [Read more...]
Keep an eye on your credit
The Credit Card legislation passed last month should ultimately help consumers. However, in the short term, many people are being squeezed. We have a combination of factors: banks attempting to shore up their financial statements by reducing the available credit on credit cards, home equity … [Read more...]
10 Tools to Build an Emergency Fund
So, you know you need an emergency fund. You've been trying to build one, but just can't seem to get there. The percentage of people living paycheck to paycheck ranges depending on who’s surveying from 47% (Careerbuilder 2008 survey) to 71% (American Payroll Association 2008 survey). This issue … [Read more...]