The May personal finance newsletter is now available. In addition to the introduction of our new staff members Jordan Nightingale and Rachel Songer, it includes financial planning information on understanding your expenses in your 401k as you plan your retirement, how to use payable on death … [Read more...]
October Personal Finance Newsletter
The October personal finance newsletter is now available. It includes the 2013 social security cost of living adjustment and maximum earnings level just announced this morning. A detailed review of the 3rd quarter investment market performance, plus 2012 year-to-date information is also covered. … [Read more...]
July/August Personal Finance Newsletter
The July/August personal finance newsletter is now available. It includes a review of the investment markets through second quarter, consideration of potential outcomes with the federal estate tax for 2013, and an announcement about the personal financial planning workshop schedule for this fall in … [Read more...]
July Personal Finance Newsletter
The July personal financial planning newsletter is now available. Because of the tumultuous investment markets and economic uncertainty, the newsletter includes two investing columns -- one a recap of the second quarter market performance with a look forward, and another by Jim Parker with … [Read more...]