You may have heard that you can use 529 Plan money to fund a Roth IRA. But how does it work? And why would you want to do this? College savings (529) plans are popular tools for saving for college. But the big concern is always: what if my child doesn't go to college? Will I end up paying … [Read more...]
Quoted on BankRate about Roth IRAs and emergency funds
When you're juggling creating an emergency fund and saving for retirement, it's important to be aware of your options. reporter Teri Cettina recently interviewed me about using a Roth IRA as a back-up to your primary emergency fund. A Roth IRA should not be your primary emergency … [Read more...]
Quoted in Dallas Morning News on 2010 Roth conversions
I had the opportunity to talk with Pamela Yip, personal finance columnist at the Dallas Morning News, a couple weeks back about 2010 Roth IRA conversions. Her article provides a good synopsis of the changes for 2010, and quotes me on when conversion makes the most sense. Click here to read the … [Read more...]
Partial Roth Conversion Strategy
When people find out how much tax they would have to pay to convert their IRA from traditional to Roth, it’s often times a conversion show stopper. Even if all the analysis shows that conversion would be clearly beneficial to their after-tax retirement income levels or provide estate planning … [Read more...]